14th International Conference on Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport
30th August to 3rd September 2015. Ritz-Carlton Hotel Santiago, Chile.
Call for Abstracts is now open and it will close on Friday 12th of December 2014.
More information and applications here.

The conference will review the latest international developments in competition and ownership in land passenger transport, with reference to key political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental trends. The primary focus is on public transport, however, the conference also looks at important linkages between public transport and other sectors, in areas such as planning, policy, contracting, financing and funding. This includes the role of reforms in road pricing and of other policy instruments to discourage car use as part of an integrated package to grow demand for public transport. The conference series is intended to be inclusive with coverage of both developed and developing markets and of both formal and informal transport. A mark of its successful continuity as a series over 26 years has been the mix of key stakeholders sharing their experience, especially operators, regulators and government officials, as well as academics.
Papers are invited that address one of the following eight workshop themes of the conference. Please note that Thredbo is an interactive workshop-based conference series and delegates remain with their workshop throughout the conference in order to contribute to the evolving debate and discussion.
- Innovations in service delivery and performance management
- Effective institutional relationships, regulatory frameworks and contract transition strategies
- Sustainable funding sources, and related cost/benefit measurements, for public transport
- Developing inter-modal transport systems
- Harnessing big data
- Reassessing public operations
- Market initiative: regulatory design, implementation and performance
- The wider economic, social and environmental impacts of public transport investment

The Thredbo Series serves as a forum for the international community, integrating a mix of executives from public agencies, and operating and consulting companies with researchers and academics in a unique and lively discussion. The conference includes academic developments, case studies, and benchmark experiences, with participants from every continent. Unlike most scientific conferences, Thredbo is structured around workshops with delegates choosing a workshop which they stay with for the duration. In each workshop, there is a deep discussion around a relevant question that later forms the basis of a report which is shared in a plenary presentation and then published in special journal edition. This structure allows everyone attending Thredbo not only to hear interesting viewpoints but also to be actively involved in the discussion.
Source: Thredbo Conference