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An integrated real time transit signal priority control for high frequency transit services


Journal Conference:



Bus bunching affects transit operations by increasing passenger waiting times and its variability. In order to tackle this phenomenon a wide range of control strategies have been proposed. However, none of them have considered together both station and interstation control. In this study we tackle this problem aiming to determine the optimal vehicle control strategy for the various stops and traffic lights in a single service transit corridor that will minimize the total time users must devote to making a trip taking into account delays for both transit and general traffic users. Based on a high frequency capacity constrained and unscheduled service (no timetable) were real time information about bus position (GPS) and bus load (APC) is available, this study focuses, on strategies for traffic signal priority in the form of green extension, considered together with holding buses at stops and limiting passenger boarding at stops. The decisions regarding transit signal priority are taken based on a rolling horizon scheme where effects over the whole corridor are considered in every single decision. The proposed strategy is evaluated in a simulation environment under different operational conditions. Results shows that the proposed control achieve excess delay reductions for transit users close to a 61.4% compared to no control while general traffic only increases a 1.5%.

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