User perception of Bogotá’s integrated public transport system: trends and implications for program implementation
Several cities in the developing world are transforming decentralized bus transit services into integrated transit systems. These programs aspire to improve service quality and mitigate negative impacts, such as pollution and traffic injuries and deaths. However, implementation processes in Santiago, Chile and elsewhere have proven difficult. One contributing factor has been a lack of integration of community concerns in the planning process. In this paper, we provide a framework for direct identification of user needs and apply it to the ongoing process in Bogotá, Colombia. Bogotá is integrating its BRT system with reorganized bus services throughout the city. Using expert interviews and a semi-structured community survey, we identify awareness, expectations and aspiration gaps, as well as equity concerns. We also suggest specific actions to improve user information during system implementation. The methods developed for this research and understanding of Bogotá’s lessons are useful for improving planning and implementation of other large-scale transit integration processes.
Optimization of public transportation systems
Public transportation systems are intrinsically associated with a more sustainable motorized urban mobility. However, many cities struggle to offer their citizens a system providing high level of service. This article introduces the complexity involved with designing and operating a transit system going from the high-level strategic decisions to the low-level control mechanisms.